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  1. Waving

    Count me in as one that doesn't wave or acknowledge the existence of other models of any year (most especially the disgusting 2014 and under). We happen to have the same car, that doesn't make us friends, pals, family, nada. So, Im like go about your day and find someone who's actually happy and...
  2. The gas mileage conundrum...

    What thick skulls can't seem to grasp is just because you can afford to spend it doesn't mean you necessarily want to spend it. I certainly could've gone with the 4 series I wanted, but, I foolishly fell for how much more equipment I could get for less money. Sometimes the idea of saving money...
  3. What's on your driving playlist?

    First thing that comes to mind when I approach it or drive it is "If I Could Turn Back Time." :lol:
  4. This actually might be my first and last Ford

    OP, I am 110% on your side. Returning for service is one of those small things I didn't take into consideration when leaving BMW. Silly me, I thought ALL service departments, regardless of brand, wash your car after service and were respectful when you drop off/pick up. Not the case with ford...
  5. 2015 Owners-Biggest Surprises/Disappointments so far

    You're doing too much. If I'm reading right and you just want to sit in the car and use the stereo you don't need to push the start button to power up, just hit the on/off button for the stereo. It has power reserve and will play without the car being in accessory mode.
  6. Hidden Features in the 2015 Mustang

    Its true, the lock buttons are disabled. You can still open the door by pulling the handle, its just that the alarm is going to go off. Im sure they toyed with the idea of taking the German route and disabling the inside handle too, but that teen that died in the locked, hot BMW a few years...
  7. Hidden Features in the 2015 Mustang

    Two things I found out this week: 1) if you should happen to accidentally drive off without the key, you can still re-start the car, if you do so within a few seconds of shutting off the engine. 2) if you lock the car via remote or the door handle, the power door lock buttons are disabled and...
  8. How many of you are coming from a BMW/Audi/Lexus, etc?

    I came from a BMW and an Audi (wouldn't touch a lexus though). I wanted to stay with either of those families, but ford caught my attention with the thought that I could have something fresh and new and fun to drive, with 90% of the options offered, for thousands less. At the time it made sense...
  9. Is the mustang your first modern performance car?

    Not my first. First AMERICAN one, though, and thanks to "issues or concerns" that have I've experienced, it will definitely be my last one.
  10. So I drove some GTs today...

    Come on now, OP. You know when dealing with that crew, anything less than praise for their precious v8 is met with.....
  11. Car Wash with Hair Dryers

    Yet another of my ideas I had way back in my teens, that I wish I had patented or implented first....
  12. How far will you go in one run in your GT/Ecoboost?

    My mileage basically stinks, so my range usually reads 275-280 when its filled up.
  13. Not to start any type of flame war

    Everytime my idiot neighbor starts his 5.0 at 4am, and wakes the neighborhood and all the pets, and lets it idle for, oh, 30 minutes, and then roars off fast enough to be heard from two miles away, it reminds me why I f-n HATE GT's and some of their d-brain owners. So, thankfully ford made...
  14. Any nightshift guys/insomniacs out there?

    Been there, but before I knew about it causing a weird high. I thought I had finally cracked. :crazy: I can't remember if it was that or Lunesta, but one of them used to cause me to sleepwalk. A few times I woke up and had plates in bed with me; I had cooked and eaten in my 'sleep'. Scary.
  15. 2015 Golf GTI vs. 2015 Mustang V6/EB

    There was an article on that just the other day: http://www.autoblog.com/2015/02/03/dyno-run-vw-gti-underrated-report/ I'm sure they have their reasons but it seems underrating HP is a common thing among the Germans.
  16. Any nightshift guys/insomniacs out there?

    I only work two days a week, two back to back 18 hr shifts. You would THINK when I get off I would pass the hell out but nope, being the chronic insomnia I am, I sleep two hrs here, three hrs there, but never longer than 4 hrs at a time. There have been times I was so desperate for sleep that...
  17. Are you a wash-aholic?

    Maybe if I liked it better I would wash it. I've never washed it by hand, I normally use automatic washes, but haven't even done that much since right before christmas. My glossy black wheels look more like dull brown these days...
  18. Base GT or EB Premium with PP? Decisions, decisions.

    Exactly. Not all of us like V8s. Not all of us are dealing with inferiority complexes and need to make up for being woefully inadequate by being loud and/or fast. Not all of us need to show others on the road how 'cool' we are by roaring to the next light 30 seconds down the road...
  19. ***UPDATE!*** Ford's policy on loaner cars during warranty repairs

    During my purchase I declined everything the finance guy put in front of me except ESP with rentalcare. When he offered it, without thinking I blurted out, "since it's a ford I will likely have plenty of service visits so I better take that." Lol. And how right I was; less than 100 days in...
