
P&S Absolute Rinse-less Wash Review



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2. He puts a grit guard in his wash bucket. I was under the impression that when rinseless washing you do not put used rags back into the bucket but you have clean rags sitting in the solution waiting to be used.
Just finally that is a lot of water/rinseless wash for just one car. I am flat out using 1/4 bucket for the mustang.
Depends on the method.

Levi tends to prefer the single wash pad/sponge method, where he is dunking back into the bucket to release contaminants and reload with solution. I'm not the biggest fan of this method, but I can see where it makes sense.

The multiple towel or "Garry Dean Method" is more to my liking. This process uses multiple towels that are soaked in the bucket solution. As you grab one, its folded to give you eight different sides which you flip to a clean side as needed. Each towel never re-enters the bucket after being used. In theory, this is probably safer than a soap/water/bucket/single wash pad method as you never introduce dirt to the bucket. I use about 5 to 7 towels on a car.

The Garry Dean Method sounds like a lot more work, but its surprisingly not.

This video shows my method in action, also from a guy who prefers soap and water.




Aug 20, 2016
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Depends on the method.

Levi tends to prefer the single wash pad/sponge method, where he is dunking back into the bucket to release contaminants and reload with solution. I'm not the biggest fan of this method, but I can see where it makes sense.

The multiple towel or "Garry Dean Method" is more to my liking. This process uses multiple towels that are soaked in the bucket solution. As you grab one, its folded to give you eight different sides which you flip to a clean side as needed. Each towel never re-enters the bucket after being used. In theory, this is probably safer than a soap/water/bucket/single wash pad method as you never introduce dirt to the bucket. I use about 5 to 7 towels on a car.

The Garry Dean Method sounds like a lot more work, but its surprisingly not.

This video shows my method in action, also from a guy who prefers soap and water.

Just who is this Gary Dean fellow.


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Depends on the method.

Levi tends to prefer the single wash pad/sponge method, where he is dunking back into the bucket to release contaminants and reload with solution. I'm not the biggest fan of this method, but I can see where it makes sense.

The multiple towel or "Garry Dean Method" is more to my liking. This process uses multiple towels that are soaked in the bucket solution. As you grab one, its folded to give you eight different sides which you flip to a clean side as needed. Each towel never re-enters the bucket after being used. In theory, this is probably safer than a soap/water/bucket/single wash pad method as you never introduce dirt to the bucket. I use about 5 to 7 towels on a car.

The Garry Dean Method sounds like a lot more work, but its surprisingly not.

This video shows my method in action, also from a guy who prefers soap and water.

Ironically I use the dunk and release method (sponge) for Rinseless and use the Gary Dean method for soap (4-5 wash mits) and don't reuse any mit more than once. Hard to believe I trust the sponge and solution that much but so far it has been working great and no marring that I can see at all. And I wash my daily driver at times when it's pretty dirty. Just a good pre soak with an IK sprayer ahead of time...


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I have been super busy the last few days and only had time to read a few posts so now I'm getting caught up. My apologies for the "quote parade." <smile>

And I say all of that as someone who will favor a soap/water/bucket wash 90% of the time. For me, rinse-less is just another skill to have at my disposal.
But if someone as anal as me can make the leap, I think anyone can.
Y'all's opinion on the matter is what got me interested but, I'm having trouble justifying the procedures D, solely based on time.

But for a lot of people, apartment dwellers, water shortage areas it is a very nice (and safe) alternative to have.
I totally understand the apartment situation, Alex. What I don't get is why y'all think it is more efficient?

Wheels I still struggle with but paint. Not a problem.
Dragging a wash mit across a contaminated surface makes me anxious. Secondly, I don't think I would be happy merely rinsing and wiping off tires and wheels. Even if the vehicle is only dusty, if it's been driven at all, the wheels and tires will still be filthy. If I only did the wipe down on them, I know I wouldn't be happy with the "cleaning job."

where I live now I rely on rain water.
Amazing, Peter and you are the first person that I have ever heard about using it. For sure the nearly distilled rain water will create much better foam as Pete mentioned. Plus, I'm envious of your 50k gallon storage tanks..WOW.

He keeps on refering to organic matter when he is talking about inorganic sand and grit.
Had the same reaction Peter and obviously, the fella wasn't a chemistry major. <grin>

This is just a few I have on hand currently :)
Wow, Alex! Are you making an attempt to compete with The Master? <BSEG>

The Garry Dean Method sounds like a lot more work, but its surprisingly not.
I believe you D but I can't see how. Watching Matt's clip, he does a panel or part of a panel at a time. Do you do this as well with a rinseless? Seems like that would take twice as long as normal.

I use it because its a LOT quicker
Again, I don't see the time savings, Alex.

Its a 2 hour ordeal to do a proper foam and soap bath and dry properly.
That's about what it takes me to get a car (not a pickup,) spotless.

Then there's the spraying and a chidtload of towels or "4-5 wash mitts" which has to take a fair amount of time not to mention having to have all those towels or mitts ready to go every time. I understand why but doesn't all this take a lot longer than a pre-rinse and normal wash?

Just a good pre soak with an IK sprayer ahead of time...
I detest handheld pump sprayers. Tried one from iK and was definitely not impressed. Tried a more expensive "garden type sprayer" as well, same thing. Plus, even with a good one, it would wear my hand out spraying the whole car and, take a fair amount of time to duit.

its not for me atm
For all the reasons above, I think I'm in your camp, Pete.



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I have been super busy the last few days and only had time to read a few posts so now I'm getting caught up. My apologies for the "quote parade." <smile>

Y'all's opinion on the matter is what got me interested but, I'm having trouble justifying the procedures D, solely based on time.

I totally understand the apartment situation, Alex. What I don't get is why y'all think it is more efficient?

Dragging a wash mit across a contaminated surface makes me anxious. Secondly, I don't think I would be happy merely rinsing and wiping off tires and wheels. Even if the vehicle is only dusty, if it's been driven at all, the wheels and tires will still be filthy. If I only did the wipe down on them, I know I wouldn't be happy with the "cleaning job."

Amazing, Peter and you are the first person that I have ever heard about using it. For sure the nearly distilled rain water will create much better foam as Pete mentioned. Plus, I'm envious of your 50k gallon storage tanks..WOW.

Had the same reaction Peter and obviously, the fella wasn't a chemistry major. <grin>

Wow, Alex! Are you making an attempt to compete with The Master? <BSEG>

I believe you D but I can't see how. Watching Matt's clip, he does a panel or part of a panel at a time. Do you do this as well with a rinseless? Seems like that would take twice as long as normal.

Again, I don't see the time savings, Alex.

That's about what it takes me to get a car (not a pickup,) spotless.

Then there's the spraying and a chidtload of towels or "4-5 wash mitts" which has to take a fair amount of time not to mention having to have all those towels or mitts ready to go every time. I understand why but doesn't all this take a lot longer than a pre-rinse and normal wash?

I detest handheld pump sprayers. Tried one from iK and was definitely not impressed. Tried a more expensive "garden type sprayer" as well, same thing. Plus, even with a good one, it would wear my hand out spraying the whole car and, take a fair amount of time to duit.

For all the reasons above, I think I'm in your camp, Pete.
I agree on the pump sprayer. I do have the small one and the foaming one requires MULTIPLE pumps to get around the car. But the multi non foam only requires one pump to do pre soak the whole car. Maybe another pump to do the wheels but not near as intensive. That's the main reason I have the Pro 12 versions with the Schrader valve. Use my compressor and good to go for the whole car. Contrary to what is portrayed, I can indeed get around the whole car from loading the bucket to final dry in about 30 minutes. The wheels are the big sticking point. It can be done but it's messy. On my daily, I typically do wheels last contrary to most opinions. That way I can freely dip my flag tipped brush in the solution at will because the paint is done and go to town swiping at least the faces clean. A proper iron Decon and full tire scrub I save for a proper bucket soap wash. I agree Rinseless doesn't replace a proper foam and soap wash, but it's a nice alternative to get the car, especially the paint very clean safely in between for those that are OCD enough to require that at all times. I HAVE used Rinseless on my daily driver when it's pretty coated with road film and you would be amazed what a pre spray with solution and soak for a minute will do to loosen up the dirt and lift off the paint so it can me wiped away safely.

I like D am more a fan of polymer based Rinseless washes. I do have DIY detail and it does work great and being surfactant based it does clean way better but lacks the lubrication I like. My 2 new front runners for slickness and overall bad ass ness is the KCX RRW and the ADS Hero. Both super slick and glide across the paint with a sponge effortlessly. 3 gallons of water too, That's it. Dip the ik sprayer in the bucket and drop the sponge in and go to town.

Trust me, I was HIGHLY skeptical at first and still was even after doing it a couple of times but the more I did it and realized how clean, slick and glossy the paint was after done, not to mention virtually zero marring I was sold. Also I use just past luke warm water too in the bucket. Thats especially a nice touch when it's freezing outside and I have to scratch the car wash itch which I do even in the cold months :)

Oh, and as for the "4-5 wash mits" I do that on a traditional soap wash. I don't use 2 buckets to rinse out the media, I only use the mit once then throw in the wash pile :) The rinseless, I use the sponge and dunk at will, and a grit guard with the extra scrub board to rake it across. Paint first, then when done, I go to town with my flag tip brush on the wheels. Only towels I have to wash with Rinseless is the drying towels, which I have 3 usually. 1 big one for the paint and 2 of the smaller guantlet towels for the wheels, 1 for each side... Yes I do have a fair amount of microfiber laundry at my house, but I'm single so not a big deal to do a load or two of MF towels a week. My extra bathroom looks like a French laundry though, towels hung everywhere to dry all the time LOL...
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Mar 15, 2017
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Mustang GT Fastback
I totally understand the apartment situation, Alex. What I don't get is why y'all think it is more efficient?

Dragging a wash mit across a contaminated surface makes me anxious. Secondly, I don't think I would be happy merely rinsing and wiping off tires and wheels. Even if the vehicle is only dusty, if it's been driven at all, the wheels and tires will still be filthy. If I only did the wipe down on them, I know I wouldn't be happy with the "cleaning job."

I believe you D but I can't see how. Watching Matt's clip, he does a panel or part of a panel at a time. Do you do this as well with a rinseless? Seems like that would take twice as long as normal.
The time saving mostly come from not getting out a pressure washer, garden hose, foam cannon, buckets, soap...................................and that even from someone who has it a wall mount setup ready to go.

With wheels, I'm the same. As I said earlier, my rinse-less threshold is very low and often its the wheels that end up being the deal breaker.

In terms of Matt working panel by panel, no, I don't do this as its too tedious. I pre-spray the whole car with the rinse-less solution, then wash section by section, then dry at the end.


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Wow, Alex! Are you making an attempt to compete with The Master? <BSEG>
Ha, I'm one up on the rinse-less quota. Although I think there is one or two missing from Alex's pic, so guess he wins. Soaps though? I'm currently sitting on 24 different soaps. :facepalm:


As for the above, they all have their pro's and cons, although some are used more than others. For rinse-less washing, I'm grabbing ONR, Opti-ONR and Absolute the most.

I have ONR and ECH20 mixed at quick detailer and waterless ratios respectively, both in this form get used for wiping down door jambs and engine bays. This is how I'm using a "rinse-less" product the most because they have a lot of lubrication and ability encapsulate dirt.

While I do like them, I don't use N-914, DIY or Dry Spell much. Out of the three, I like DIY the most. Actually, I use N-914 as a windscreen washer additive at the 128:1 (water-less rate). Why? Because it cleans and lubricates well and is way less harsh than a traditional windscreen washer additive, which means it won't smash my glass and paint coatings.

ECO Wash I have not used enough to put a verdict too, its very similar in concept and feel to ECH20. I'm also eagerly awaiting Koch Chemie RRW and ADS Hero.

Forgetting the rinse-less and water-less washing factor, I think what I like about having a product like this around is the versatility. One of these products can cover multiple roles including clay lubricant, quick detailer, glass cleaner, interior detailer/cleaner, drying aid...........................................


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Ha, I'm one up on the rinse-less quota. Although I think there is one or two missing from Alex's pic, so guess he wins. Soaps though? I'm currently sitting on 24 different soaps. :facepalm:


As for the above, they all have their pro's and cons, although some are used more than others. For rinse-less washing, I'm grabbing ONR, Opti-ONR and Absolute the most.

I have ONR and ECH20 mixed at quick detailer and waterless ratios respectively, both in this form get used for wiping down door jambs and engine bays. This is how I'm using a "rinse-less" product the most because they have a lot of lubrication and ability encapsulate dirt.

While I do like them, I don't use N-914, DIY or Dry Spell much. Out of the three, I like DIY the most. Actually, I use N-914 as a windscreen washer additive at the 128:1 (water-less rate). Why? Because it cleans and lubricates well and is way less harsh than a traditional windscreen washer additive, which means it won't smash my glass and paint coatings.

ECO Wash I have not used enough to put a verdict too, its very similar in concept and feel to ECH20. I'm also eagerly awaiting Koch Chemie RRW and ADS Hero.

Forgetting the rinse-less and water-less washing factor, I think what I like about having a product like this around is the versatility. One of these products can cover multiple roles including clay lubricant, quick detailer, glass cleaner, interior detailer/cleaner, drying aid...........................................
Touche, I do love RRW and Hero, I hope you can get them soon, very good products, I actually used RRW on my Mustang last night. I haven't tried McKees, after using DIY, I found that Surfactant isn't my thing although I do use it as a pre spray by foaming on. It also makes a great clay lube when used heavily diluted into a foam. Eco Wash is on my list to get... And I am out of Opticoat at the moment :), I gifted a full bottle to a friend a couple of weeks ago :) ... This pic was early on in my journey LOL..

As for soap, I don't have a wide enough lens to capture them all LOL. And I have at least one I haven't even tried yet, I do hope to try my last one this weekend (Shine Supply Shift), although I anticipate ordering more in the future as I use up what I have and not reorder... I have a few that work OK, but probably won't reorder as others are better :)



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Mar 15, 2017
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Touche, I do love RRW and Hero, I hope you can get them soon, very good products, I actually used RRW on my Mustang last night. I haven't tried McKees, after using DIY, I found that Surfactant isn't my thing although I do use it as a pre spray by foaming on. It also makes a great clay lube when used heavily diluted into a foam. Eco Wash is on my list to get... And I am out of Opticoat at the moment :), I gifted a full bottle to a friend a couple of weeks ago :) ... This pic was early on in my journey LOL..

As for soap, I don't have a wide enough lens to capture them all LOL. And I have at least one I haven't even tried yet, I do hope to try my last one this weekend (Shine Supply Shift), although I anticipate ordering more in the future as I use up what I have and not reorder... I have a few that work OK, but probably won't reorder as others are better :)

McKee's N-914 gets a lot of love, but the surfactant base is not my preference either. The DIY and N-914 feel very similar, but I would give the edge to DIY.

And soaps, I'm the same in that I have sampled many "good" ones, but not "good enough" to re-order. I've used and sampled about 45 different soaps across acidic, neutral and alkaline flavors. At the moment, I'm actually running down to a core group that I genuinely look forward to use including Carpro Reset/Descale/Lift, KCx GSF, NV Snow, Shine Supply Shift, Megs Hyper Wash, Bilt Hamber Touchless.



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I detest handheld pump sprayers. Tried one from iK and was definitely not impressed. Tried a more expensive "garden type sprayer" as well, same thing. Plus, even with a good one, it would wear my hand out spraying the whole car and, take a fair amount of time to duit.
You may try this: Gloria: Powerful sprayers for the professional! (gloriagarten.de) with the compressor on top: Gloria: Battery-powered compressor (gloriagarten.de).
The compressor keeps the pressure constant as you use it.

I use it on multiple cars for spraying the foam at the beginning of the process, as I have to rely on coin self-service washes I don't have access to a proper foam gun.
Then I complete the wash by using a single bucket and a grit guard.


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McKee's N-914 gets a lot of love, but the surfactant base is not my preference either. The DIY and N-914 feel very similar, but I would give the edge to DIY.

And soaps, I'm the same in that I have sampled many "good" ones, but not "good enough" to re-order. I've used and sampled about 45 different soaps across acidic, neutral and alkaline flavors. At the moment, I'm actually running down to a core group that I genuinely look forward to use including Carpro Reset/Descale/Lift, KCx GSF, NV Snow, Shine Supply Shift, Megs Hyper Wash, Bilt Hamber Touchless.
I have to agree on the soaps, I love Gyeon soaps, but I don't see myself reordering them because there are better. My core group at the moment is. Car Pro reset, KCX GSF, Opticoat, M Wash, and the new ADS Shampoo Plus are my favorite front runners at the moment. I also keep NV Snow and Snow Plus on hand. I have DIY Incredible suds too but while great not my favorite..


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Sorry folks, I'm behind the eight ball again..

Trust me, I was HIGHLY skeptical at first and still was even after doing it a couple of times but the more I did it and realized how clean, slick and glossy the paint was after done, not to mention virtually zero marring I was sold.
Thanks for that, Alex it helps but I stil don't know if rinseless is for me.

Yes I do have a fair amount of microfiber laundry at my house, but I'm single so not a big deal to do a load or two of MF towels a week. My extra bathroom looks like a French laundry though, towels hung everywhere to dry all the time LOL...
Being single certainly helps. <smile> But geeze, that's a lot of towel washing!

With wheels, I'm the same. As I said earlier, my rinse-less threshold is very low and often its the wheels that end up being the deal breaker.
So here's the question, D. About how many rinseless washes do you do on your own vehicles per year?

I'm currently sitting on 24 different soaps.

Because it cleans and lubricates well and is way less harsh than a traditional windscreen washer additive, which means it won't smash my glass and paint coatings.
Learned yet another factoid, I didn't know that washer fluid was the enemy of coatings? What's the chemical culprit? Ethanol, pH?

You may try this:
That's a fine looking spray rig, Luca, I immediately thought of using it to do weed control <smile> and the 3L model would be perfect for my needs. Sorry, off topic. <grinning>

But I can see where a rig like this would eliminate all the damn pumping. If memory serves, the first time I tried the iK sprayer just on the wheels, I think I pumped that thing like ten times! Threw it in the trash.

But, I can definitely see where one of these battery-powered rigs would easily handle the job of rinseless application. However, it's yet another battery to deal with. I'm thinking a rig with a Shrader valve would be my choice.

However, I have another question for the experienced rinseless crowd, why not use the foam cannon to apply the product instead of a pump sprayer?


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So I got home today and decided it was time to give my daily a bath. As I have mentioned in the above post, I have several Rinseless washes to chose from and have my favorites. That said, believe it or not I just recently added the OG "Blue" ONR to my arsenal. I have had both the Yellow Opticoat and the Green wash and Wax for some time and like them both. But the blue, Version 5 no less I just tried this evening for only my second time. I used the exact same procedure I always use and maybe it's just me but it isn't as slick as I like. I know Optimum supposedly fixed that with the Version 5 but I just don't see it. It works fine, cleans decent but is really grabby under the sponge and needed a ton of drying aid to feel comfortable removing from the paint. I don't get that from Absolute, ADS Hero or KCx RRW, hell I don't get it from the Green Wash and Wax or the Yellow Opticoat. A little dissapointed, I am sure it is fine and will work for other uses, but I don't see myself using for a full on Rinseless wash anymore... Adding it in the Chuck it in the F*#K it bucket :sunglasses:


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However, I have another question for the experienced rinseless crowd, why not use the foam cannon to apply the product instead of a pump sprayer?
For me, simplicity. Rinseless is a quick and efficient process and dragging out a foam canon, pressure washer, etc is just a pain in the..... Well you know. Really, a pump up sprayer does the job fine. You only need to mist the product onto the paint and the non foaming IK pump sprayers will spray for a good long while when pumped up to the max. I just did my daily driver today, dipped in the bucket and got probably 1/2 gallon in the sprayer. I got all the way around from the driver rear quarter clockwise to the passenger rear quarter before it lost steam. Pumped a few more times, hit the rear hatch and it was sucking air and empty. Not so with the foamers, they only spray for like 5 seconds. That said, I have the big IK Pro 12, I use my compressor on that bad boy since it has a schrader valve. I can spray the entire car, then spray the wheels one at a time and still when I release the pop off valve it has plenty of pressure...

As for a foam canon, I don't know the dilution it will apply is my sticking point. The DIY detail surfactant based, I have seen done and might try some day, put in the canon neat and letter rip...

