
So I don't lock my doors, why bother?

I Bleed Ford Blue

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The car (at least the 2016) will restart for 20 seconds without a key fob present. Search your owner's manual for "Fast Restart". So running away with the key fob won't work.

Personally I would prefer to disable this "feature" as it is more of a risk than any kind of feature. However, I've heard rumors that locking the car will cancel out the remaining 20 second timer. Although the manual does not state that is how it works.

I did not know that, thanks for the tip:thumbsup: Thankfully my wife or daughter have never had to test it.

I looked it up and on the mustang it does indeed say 20 seconds, also 20 on my explorer, but only 10 seconds on my wifes edge ST and 10 seconds on my daughter 16 focus titanium. Wonder why there is a difference in time on different models?

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Lets hope they don't do the water hose trick on the OP's car and fill it with water.


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If you want to leave your door unlocked that is certainly your business but the point of locking your door is kind of a stupid question. Locks are there for a reason and you know why locks exist. You choose not to use locks because you are concerned about getting your windows broken? So why are you not concerned about your car getting stolen of vandalized? I don't get the logic.


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Aug 29, 2019
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Mustang GT 2019
If you want to leave your door unlocked that is certainly your business but the point of locking your door is kind of a stupid question. Locks are there for a reason and you know why locks exist. You choose not to use locks because you are concerned about getting your windows broken? So why are you not concerned about your car getting stolen of vandalized? I don't get the logic.
Just as you cant understand my logic I can not understand yours. Most times a car get vandalized its the outside of the car, Slashed tires, keyed, spray painted and people trying to steal gas. IN what way does my doors being locked stop any of that? And being stolen... again a locked door does exactly nothing to stop a car from being stolen. These modern cars need cloned fobs or other signal stealing devices. Those same cloned fobs guess what... open doors. Locked doors again do nothing to stop this. I am genuinely confused as how anyone thinks locking your door on these modern cars stops them from being stolen when the thiefs are using cloned fobs to do it which also open doors. Have none of you seen how cars are stolen with the two people and and the cloning devices? there are hundreds of videos of it. Locked doors does not stop it not even a smidge. Not to mention if someone is gonna steal your car even with out cloned fobs do you really thing the door locked is gonna stop them? they will just smash the window. I think some of you think that brittle easily broken glass is some sort of super barrier that stops thieves. Absolutely no thief that is gonna target and steel your car is gonna give to craps about if its locked or not. Thats like thinking a thief who is gonna go break into a locked store after hours is gonna go oh well doors locked lets go home.... Uh no they break the window and take what they want anyway.


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may as well never take a bath either. you'll eventually get dirty again if you did.



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Apr 9, 2016
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York County, South Carolina
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Just as you cant understand my logic I can not understand yours. Most times a car get vandalized its the outside of the car, Slashed tires, keyed, spray painted and people trying to steal gas. IN what way does my doors being locked stop any of that? And being stolen... again a locked door does exactly nothing to stop a car from being stolen. These modern cars need cloned fobs or other signal stealing devices. Those same cloned fobs guess what... open doors. Locked doors again do nothing to stop this. I am genuinely confused as how anyone thinks locking your door on these modern cars stops them from being stolen when the thiefs are using cloned fobs to do it which also open doors. Have none of you seen how cars are stolen with the two people and and the cloning devices? there are hundreds of videos of it. Locked doors does not stop it not even a smidge. Not to mention if someone is gonna steal your car even with out cloned fobs do you really thing the door locked is gonna stop them? they will just smash the window. I think some of you think that brittle easily broken glass is some sort of super barrier that stops thieves. Absolutely no thief that is gonna target and steel your car is gonna give to craps about if its locked or not. Thats like thinking a thief who is gonna go break into a locked store after hours is gonna go oh well doors locked lets go home.... Uh no they break the window and take what they want anyway.
OK, so forget about your car getting stolen and concentrate on being vandalized since that is really what you are not worried about apparently.

Your logic still makes no sense: You don't want your windows getting broken but you are not concerned about having someone vandalize the interior, slashed seats, spray paint, breaking things, relieving themselves in your car, etc. What happens if some addict OD's in your unlocked car? The guy who breaks your window is now in a rush to grab and go so the damage is limited to a broken window. No dig deal. This happened to my wife's car at the office. The damage was limited to a broken window. Nothing was stolen but we still lock our doors every time.

A few years ago my boat was in the garage so my Audi was parked in the driveway. A group of kids from another community drove around our community slashing tires and my Audi was once of them. The doors were locked but maybe they would have slashed my leather seats if the doors were not locked. So I could have had tires and seats slashed instead of just tires if my doors were unlocked. Vandals don't make a lot of noise breaking windows and then take their time vandalizing the interior.

Not locking your doors because you fear windows getting broken while ignoring the much more expensive and serious consequences is not great logic is all i'm saying. Hell, the dumbass breaking into cars may not even check to see if the door is open and break the windows anyway. We aren't talking about a Yale grad here. Maybe the thief will be pissed off for leaving your car unlocked with nothing to steal and decide to leave you a little thank you note in the form of a big nasty turd on your seat or a puddle of piss. After all, thieves need to relieve themselves on the job and what better place than in your unlocked car.
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Jan 6, 2016
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Charleston, SC
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Well for me has never been an issue. A buddy of mine who locks his all the time has had to replace 3 windows now and repair the damage. They took what they wanted locked doors didnt stop anything. Just caused more issues and damage.
"I've never had an issue before, so it must not be a problem, ever." - OP

Lot of people around where I live, in Charleston, that have the same idea and do the same thing. Every couple weeks, they get on the Daniel Island Facebook group, bitching about how someone brazenly walked up to their car at night, opened the unlocked door, and helped themselves to change or other random crap in the vehicle. About 18 months ago, a lot of guys had their carry pistols stolen because they had left them in the vehicle and left the doors unlocked.



Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2016
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York County, South Carolina
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"I've never had an issue before, so it must not be a problem, ever." - OP

Lot of people around where I live, in Charleston, that have the same idea and do the same thing. Every couple weeks, they get on the Daniel Island Facebook group, bitching about how someone brazenly walked up to their car at night, opened the unlocked door, and helped themselves to change or other random crap in the vehicle. About 18 months ago, a lot of guys had their carry pistols stolen because they had left them in the vehicle and left the doors unlocked.

The OP doesn't leave any valuables in the car so the logic is why chance a broken window when there is nothing to steal. On the surface it make sense. Once you look deeper into it however you see the flaws in his logic. In a perfect world, and perhaps Asheville is this perfect world, only honorable thieves break windows when doors are locked and cars are never vandalized.

Our community Facebook page lights up every couple of months with car breakins of unlocked cars and people complaining how they lost valuables because they left there cars unlocked. This is a much more frequent occurrence than smashing windows which occurs very infrequently. Why smash windows when you can just open the door. The OP does have a point but he is just ignoring the other possibilities. He is also encouraging small time thieves by leaving his door unlocked.
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Aug 29, 2019
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Mustang GT 2019
"I've never had an issue before, so it must not be a problem, ever." - OP
Thats not what I said you are putting words in my mouth. I am in no way impaling that no one has these things happen I was simply saying it has not happened to me.

I see lots of people worried about vandalizing and honestly giving some rather unrealistic examples. I rather doubt a junkie is going around looking for a safe quiet unlocked car to od in. Hell a junkie can barely move out of their house or camp site. and no matter the mental issues the chances someone is out specifically thinking hum im gonna go to the place find me a car thats unlocked and finally get rid of all this pee i been saving up. yall are reaching here. people who get their cars vandalized and peed in and crapped in i can promises you more times then not its not random. Its because they pissed someone off and cheated on girlfriends or the like. Maybe instead of locking doors they need to be better people?

But back to my statements. So many disagreeing with me and telling me well our Facebook and our area and our city... the one thing I do not have in common with all these stories... I DO NOT LEAVE VALUABLES IN A UNLOCKED CAR!!! They all did. So am I the one inviting theft with an empty unlocked car or is the person with a locked door and radar detectors. laptops and guns in the car? If i follow others logic Im stupid for leaving a unlocked car with NOTHING in side it. But others are smart for having a locked door but thousands worth of loose stuff inside to steal. And IM the one who doesnt make sense? Which by the way insurance does not cover personals property.

Maybe I should change this thread topic to why the hell would you leave so many valuables in a car at all.

lets put this another way. If I put a unlocked glass box with nothing in it on a busy sidewalk ( we are gonna say the box itself is attached to the building and cant be stolen) chances are nothing is gonna happen to it. people are just gonna walk around it and pay it no attention. If I put the same glass box one the same sidewalk, this time locked and with a 100 bill in it. Yeah its gonna get smashed and the bill stolen.


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2016
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Charleston, SC
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Thats not what I said you are putting words in my mouth. I am in no way impaling that no one has these things happen I was simply saying it has not happened to me.

I see lots of people worried about vandalizing and honestly giving some rather unrealistic examples. I rather doubt a junkie is going around looking for a safe quiet unlocked car to od in. Hell a junkie can barely move out of their house or camp site. and no matter the mental issues the chances someone is out specifically thinking hum im gonna go to the place find me a car thats unlocked and finally get rid of all this pee i been saving up. yall are reaching here. people who get their cars vandalized and peed in and crapped in i can promises you more times then not its not random. Its because they pissed someone off and cheated on girlfriends or the like. Maybe instead of locking doors they need to be better people?

But back to my statements. So many disagreeing with me and telling me well our Facebook and our area and our city... the one thing I do not have in common with all these stories... I DO NOT LEAVE VALUABLES IN A UNLOCKED CAR!!! They all did. So am I the one inviting theft with an empty unlocked car or is the person with a locked door and radar detectors. laptops and guns in the car? If i follow others logic Im stupid for leaving a unlocked car with NOTHING in side it. But others are smart for having a locked door but thousands worth of loose stuff inside to steal. And IM the one who doesnt make sense? Which by the way insurance does not cover personals property.

Maybe I should change this thread topic to why the hell would you leave so many valuables in a car at all.

lets put this another way. If I put a unlocked glass box with nothing in it on a busy sidewalk ( we are gonna say the box itself is attached to the building and cant be stolen) chances are nothing is gonna happen to it. people are just gonna walk around it and pay it no attention. If I put the same glass box one the same sidewalk, this time locked and with a 100 bill in it. Yeah its gonna get smashed and the bill stolen.
You're dangerously out of touch with reality. Whether you leave valuables in the vehicle, or not, whether they're out of sight, or not, does not mean someone isn't going to go looking through your car. Personally, I don't like valets in nice uniforms in my car. I sure as hell don't want someone, junkie, kid, miscreant, or otherwise, in my car. So yes, I lock my doors. I also have the Enhanced Security Package, which has a bolt that goes through the glove box and center console doors, as well as the steering column. Will they stop a determined adversary from gaining access? Nope, but they're a deterrent. The package also has a tilt alarm, so if someone attempted to jack up my car to steal my rims (which are secured with Gorilla locking lugs - every lug is a lock), the alarm would sound. My car is also secured in my garage, with a door closed. There are locks on the doors. I have a camera in the garage for surveillance and potential prosecution of vandals or thieves.




Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2019
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Mustang GT 2019
You're dangerously out of touch with reality. Whether you leave valuables in the vehicle, or not, whether they're out of sight, or not, does not mean someone isn't going to go looking through your car. Personally, I don't like valets in nice uniforms in my car. I sure as hell don't want someone, junkie, kid, miscreant, or otherwise, in my car. So yes, I lock my doors. I also have the Enhanced Security Package, which has a bolt that goes through the glove box and center console doors, as well as the steering column. Will they stop a determined adversary from gaining access? Nope, but they're a deterrent. The package also has a tilt alarm, so if someone attempted to jack up my car to steal my rims (which are secured with Gorilla locking lugs - every lug is a lock), the alarm would sound. My car is also secured in my garage, with a door closed. There are locks on the doors. I have a camera in the garage for surveillance and potential prosecution of vandals or thieves.

I just cant live my life being that afraid of everything. I have only ever had one thing stolen from me in 48 years a lawn ornament. I think of all the money I didn't waste on being afraid of my own shadow. Yeah I could have spent 20 plus thousand over the years to have cameras and the exhaustive list of personnel security things people buy. But for what? To stop someone from steeling my lawn decoration? If they need it that bad they can have it. Anything else I have is insured and it an excuse to replace it with something better. IM just not gonna spend my life being paranoid.


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I just cant live my life being that afraid of everything. I have only ever had one thing stolen from me in 48 years a lawn ornament. I think of all the money I didn't waste on being afraid of my own shadow. Yeah I could have spent 20 plus thousand over the years to have cameras and the exhaustive list of personnel security things people buy. But for what? To stop someone from steeling my lawn decoration? If they need it that bad they can have it. Anything else I have is insured and it an excuse to replace it with something better. IM just not gonna spend my life being paranoid.
Has anyone on this thread read the FordPass modem thread over on the GT350/500 forums? Talk about polar opposites.

Briebee, I will say this. In general being afraid of nothing can be as bad as being afraid of everything. There are always consequences with extremes in either direction. I like taking the middle of the road approach. I concern myself with things that are personal, be it property or people. I also concern myself with things that I can effect. The rest, well lets just say I do not lose much sleep over it.


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Jul 29, 2020
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this thread is almost as bad as the auto lock thread. First world problems, now no one wants locks, set yourselves free !

