
It is now between Bernie and Biden

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Nov 26, 2014
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Stop being so naive and ignorant. All you do is make bullshit up that isn't right-wing and post no proof to any of your claims. I surely hope no one believes anything you say as I've had to correct you dozens of times on the simplest of things regarding economics and politics.
I'm assuming you have a basic awareness of current events. If you don't care to follow current events or want to hide your head in the sand, I can't help you.

I'm not saying Trump is a complete fascist, but you're once again showing yourself as being naive and ignorant. Trump has attacked the concept of judges, praised and openly helped dictators, and rejected the validity of elections. True uniform wearing, nazi saluting, honest to god Neo fascists in this country seem utterly convinced and excited that Trump is one of them. As loathsome as they are, they seem pretty sure they can identify their own. And has Trump done anything to dissuade that belief?
I don't know why I even bother replying to you. It's well known that the judges appointed by the democrats tend to be activists. Compare how many judges have blocked Obama's executive orders to how many are blocking Trump. It's not even close.

When you say such cartoony things about a president who is trying to do very logical and mainstream things, it just doesn't make you believable at all.

You don't have to be a dictator to hold fascist beliefs. The reasons we have checks and balances is so that in the event that an authoritarian does come into power American democracy won't immediately crumble. Trump isn't an ideologue as he doesn't have a grand scheme for America after he leaves office, he just be powerful and respected.
Fascism = socialism

Lets look at Trumps beliefs and conduct shall we?
Can you look at them in a fair and unbiased way?

Economics - Fascists disavow free market capitalism in favor of a nationalized economy that reduces or rejects trade with other nations. This is not traditional American conservatism.
Guess not..

Nationalism - Check. fascism is extremely nationalistic as is Trump and his administration.
So you don't think that Trump has improved our trade deals? Complete bias and ignoring the truth is all I see here. This is why I will probably not reply to you again any time soon.

Scapegoats - Check. immigrants, the left, muslims and the a like are frequently used as scapegoats upon which trump blames American decline.
America is not declining and Trump doesn't say that American is declining. And you are misrepresenting. Trump talks down about law breakers. Not about immigrants. If you have to lie or misrepresent to insult him, just give up and admit that you don't care about the truth.

Military - The man tried to hold a military parade for himself.
Another untruth. I think some amount of patriotism is good. Too many people tear down America. The event was about patriotism.

Controlled media - Check. He has called the media an enemy of the people and has proposed tightening libel laws and regulating google searches. Obviously trump wants controlled media as everything he doesn't like is fake.
The media is lying - like you are. And they SHOULD be held accountable for it. Heck, you are probably one of the biggest victims of it. You have totally bought into it.

Cronyism, corruption, racism, xenophobia - Look at Trumps administration and people who are or were around him (some are in jail.) The man campaigned on Nixons law and order dogwhistle. See his comments on immigrants, muslims and foreigners in general.
More BS. Just because people who committed minor crimes are being over punished by the swamp doesn't mean that Trump is crooked. A huge problem we have right now is there are evil people in government who are doing wrong. Several of Trump's associates have fallen due to poor behavior. Absolutely sad that America and our legal system has been so corrupted. Meanwhile people like Comey aren't in jail yet. Everyone knows he lied to Congress and leaked classified information.

Heck, Trump was guilty until proven innocent and investigated for 2 years with nothing found. How biased do you have to be when a 2 year investigation can't convince you that the guy has a spotless background? Please, please try to be fair and unbiased. Let go of your hate and see the truth. Just try it.

Opposition to Democracy - Trump has never explicitly been in favor of this, but he has violated key norms of democracy. From deciding he would becalm the election invalid if he lost to Clinton, threatening to throw his political opponent in jail, creating a commission to show voter fraud, etc, etc. This man feels he is not beholden to the will of the American people.
Yes he says crap. But he hasn't done anything. Just said things. I disagree with your last statement. The will of the American people is that Trump should be president. But others are not going along with it.

Yeah, sure seems to be a lot of crossover between Trumps and fascists. It is extremely clear he has a lot of fascist attitudes and it would be no surprise if he was one. The man is not a career politician, an ideologue, or a scholar, he has no reason to be particularly beholden to democracy. He's a media personality who became president.
Again, you have to learn what fascism actually is. Realize that you are on the fascists' side.

Is it an opinion when you lie or are ignorant of how things work or are defined? What is defamation and libel? Why even have a discussion if everyone is just going to redefine everything and post misinformation as fact? Pretty sure he has me ignored anyway as I am constantly calling him out on his blatant bullshit. I'd rather have an honest discussion and not one where we do zero research and circle jerk our bias.
If you could be honest and say only things that are true we could have that kind of discussion. But I'm tired of your BS. Almost everything you say is slanted or untrue. I could spend all day refuting it and then you ignore me anyway. I might as well shout at a wall or something. It's a waste of my time.

No thank you. The devil I know wants to take my Social Security and Medicare. These are things I have paid my whole into so now I want my share. Think of these as my 2nd amendment.
Can you post a link to that? Not something where the MSM SAYS that Trump will do this, but something where Trump actually says it himself? If I don't hear the words out of his mouth directly I won't buy it. Because I don't think it's true. And you don't usually post things that are completely untrue.

And by the way, the economy is good. Has been for many years now. I'm not complaining as it has been good for me as well. But while good it is not solid. The past week has proven that. What goes up usually comes down. The problem is the man taking 100% credit for the economy is taking 0% blame for the current situation. Just once I want him to man up and take responsibility. It hasn't happened in 73 years. I do not expect it to happen anytime in the near future.
When the Saudis started pushing a bunch of extra oil out, the market fell. And the MSM said it was because of Corona virus. Which introduced additional instability.

IMO economic strength is about how many people have jobs, not whether the market went up or down this week. And tons of people have jobs.

Obama up and said that Trump couldn't do what he said he could do WRT the economy. Obama asked if Trump was going to wave a magic wand. And Trump got in office and the economy is a lot better. So who did it? Are you saying the record low unemployment is just a random occurrence? Are you saying someone else recently got into government and did something? Just curious as it's hard to imagine how you could think that Trump doesn't have a lot to do with it. How else are you explaining it?

Taking 0% blame for the current situation? Are you saying Trump created Corona virus? I don't think Trump is to blame for Corona virus. People who want to blame him for it are off their rockers. And Trump shut down travel very fast. He did nothing wrong and he did more than most would expect.

Lastly, it's not "his" economy, it's our economy.
If you are doing something different to improve the economy - feel free to take credit for it. Myself I can't take any credit. I'm pretty much doing the same things I've been doing. But we have a different president and I think that JUST MIGHT have a little to do with it.



Nov 30, 2018
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Odenton, MD
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2015 GT Pro-charged
I'm assuming you have a basic awareness of current events. If you don't care to follow current events or want to hide your head in the sand, I can't help you.

I don't know why I even bother replying to you. It's well known that the judges appointed by the democrats tend to be activists. Compare how many judges have blocked Obama's executive orders to how many are blocking Trump. It's not even close.

When you say such cartoony things about a president who is trying to do very logical and mainstream things, it just doesn't make you believable at all.

Fascism = socialism

Can you look at them in a fair and unbiased way?

Guess not..

So you don't think that Trump has improved our trade deals? Complete bias and ignoring the truth is all I see here. This is why I will probably not reply to you again any time soon.

America is not declining and Trump doesn't say that American is declining. And you are misrepresenting. Trump talks down about law breakers. Not about immigrants. If you have to lie or misrepresent to insult him, just give up and admit that you don't care about the truth.

Another untruth. I think some amount of patriotism is good. Too many people tear down America. The event was about patriotism.

The media is lying - like you are. And they SHOULD be held accountable for it. Heck, you are probably one of the biggest victims of it. You have totally bought into it.

More BS. Just because people who committed minor crimes are being over punished by the swamp doesn't mean that Trump is crooked. A huge problem we have right now is there are evil people in government who are doing wrong. Several of Trump's associates have fallen due to poor behavior. Absolutely sad that America and our legal system has been so corrupted. Meanwhile people like Comey aren't in jail yet. Everyone knows he lied to Congress and leaked classified information.

Heck, Trump was guilty until proven innocent and investigated for 2 years with nothing found. How biased do you have to be when a 2 year investigation can't convince you that the guy has a spotless background? Please, please try to be fair and unbiased. Let go of your hate and see the truth. Just try it.

Yes he says crap. But he hasn't done anything. Just said things. I disagree with your last statement. The will of the American people is that Trump should be president. But others are not going along with it.

Again, you have to learn what fascism actually is. Realize that you are on the fascists' side.

If you could be honest and say only things that are true we could have that kind of discussion. But I'm tired of your BS. Almost everything you say is slanted or untrue. I could spend all day refuting it and then you ignore me anyway. I might as well shout at a wall or something. It's a waste of my time.

Can you post a link to that? Not something where the MSM SAYS that Trump will do this, but something where Trump actually says it himself? If I don't hear the words out of his mouth directly I won't buy it. Because I don't think it's true. And you don't usually post things that are completely untrue.

When the Saudis started pushing a bunch of extra oil out, the market fell. And the MSM said it was because of Corona virus. Which introduced additional instability.

IMO economic strength is about how many people have jobs, not whether the market went up or down this week. And tons of people have jobs.

Obama up and said that Trump couldn't do what he said he could do WRT the economy. Obama asked if Trump was going to wave a magic wand. And Trump got in office and the economy is a lot better. So who did it? Are you saying the record low unemployment is just a random occurrence? Are you saying someone else recently got into government and did something? Just curious as it's hard to imagine how you could think that Trump doesn't have a lot to do with it. How else are you explaining it?

Taking 0% blame for the current situation? Are you saying Trump created Corona virus? I don't think Trump is to blame for Corona virus. People who want to blame him for it are off their rockers. And Trump shut down travel very fast. He did nothing wrong and he did more than most would expect.

If you are doing something different to improve the economy - feel free to take credit for it. Myself I can't take any credit. I'm pretty much doing the same things I've been doing. But we have a different president and I think that JUST MIGHT have a little to do with it.
Dude, you literally said that social security is a Ponzi. When I showed just how wrong you are you literally didn't even bother to respond. You never provide proof of anything you spout off as if you are allergic to truth. Hell, you don't even know the difference between fascism and socialism and expect me to break down every bullshit argument you've made here with tweets and statements right from the horses (Trumps) mouth just for you to either ignore or blow off as you do every single time.

Let me try to break down literally the easiest argument you made that you simply can not understand - "Fascism = Socialism"

First I'll start with Communism as it is extreme socialism and get into socialism last. Communism says that everyone should be equal, nobody gets special treatment whatsoever. Everyone gives their earning to the government and the government will then hand out provisions, food, healthcare, shelter, etc.

Fascism tends to be the exact opposite of this. One minority is classified below everyone else (jews, women, blacks, IMMIGRANTS, MUSLIMS, etc). Property is PRIVATE and EARNED. Each person in society belongs to a class and that class has a specific place in the chain, some are higher than others, etc.

Both have a large focus on military force and government power to enforce the rules. Citizens usually dont have the opportunity to vote as they are highly authoritarian.

Socialism is a complete negation of the capitalist mode of production. Therefore, an eliminator of the causes of the crisis therein, fascism, as a product of that, cannot arise without it. Fascism is the unmasked dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and developed specifically to crush workers' movements. Socialism and fascism are literal opposites in so many ways.


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No thank you. The devil I know wants to take my Social Security and Medicare. These are things I have paid my whole into so now I want my share. Think of these as my 2nd amendment.
Can you post a link to that? Not something where the MSM SAYS that Trump will do this, but something where Trump actually says it himself? If I don't hear the words out of his mouth directly I won't buy it. Because I don't think it's true. And you don't usually post things that are completely untrue.

Here you go. It was the Fox town hall

Now of course he did specifically say Social Security or Medicare but everyone knows what Republicans mean by entitlements. Moscow Mitch hasn't even tried to hide his feelings about this. Also have you read the 2020 budget? The cuts are in there. Now I doubt any of this will really happen, at least I hope not. But I'm not willing to take that chance. DT has to go.

When the Saudis started pushing a bunch of extra oil out, the market fell. And the MSM said it was because of Corona virus. Which introduced additional instability.
Sorry but the news I was watching spoke often about the oil issue. I know it's not just COVID-19. And if I'm smart enough to know that I'm sure others do to.

IMO economic strength is about how many people have jobs, not whether the market went up or down this week. And tons of people have jobs.
But in Trump's opinion it is all about the Stock Market. Has been since 2016. Live by the sword die by the sword. Now I know he is not personally responsible for the stock market drop, but he has tried to blame everyone including Brad Pitt (kidding). Why try to pass blame on others if you feel it wasn't your fault. He is in full blown CYA mode.

Taking 0% blame for the current situation? Are you saying Trump created Corona virus? I don't think Trump is to blame for Corona virus. People who want to blame him for it are off their rockers. And Trump shut down travel very fast. He did nothing wrong and he did more than most would expect.
He's done nothing wrong except trying to convince everyone that this disease is no big deal, that he knows better than the experts, lied repeatedly regarding test kits, and has prevented the CDC from using the known to be better Germen test kits. It goes on and on. Now I'll admit tonight for the very first time he actually sounded presidential. Up until now he has left that up to his VP. I wonder how many cheeseburgers they promised him to read the speech without staying from the script.

If you are doing something different to improve the economy - feel free to take credit for it. Myself I can't take any credit. I'm pretty much doing the same things I've been doing. But we have a different president and I think that JUST MIGHT have a little to do with it.
The economy belongs to every American. You, me, everyone. Trump doesn't own it nor is he totally responsible for it. Has anybody forgotten that he is a US government employee. He works for us. It's our money he gives to charity, not his.


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2014
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Mustang, Camaro
No thank you. The devil I know wants to take my Social Security and Medicare. These are things I have paid my whole into so now I want my share. Think of these as my 2nd amendment.
Can you post a link to that? Not something where the MSM SAYS that Trump will do this, but something where Trump actually says it himself? If I don't hear the words out of his mouth directly I won't buy it. Because I don't think it's true. And you don't usually post things that are completely untrue.

Here you go. It was the Fox town hall

Now of course he did specifically say Social Security or Medicare but everyone knows what Republicans mean by entitlements. Moscow Mitch hasn't even tried to hide his feelings about this. Also have you read the 2020 budget? The cuts are in there. Now I doubt any of this will really happen, at least I hope not. But I'm not willing to take that chance. DT has to go.

Sorry but the news I was watching spoke often about the oil issue. I know it's not just COVID-19. And if I'm smart enough to know that I'm sure others do to.

But in Trump's opinion it is all about the Stock Market. Has been since 2016. Live by the sword die by the sword. Now I know he is not personally responsible for the stock market drop, but he has tried to blame everyone including Brad Pitt (kidding). Why try to pass blame on others if you feel it wasn't your fault. He is in full blown CYA mode.

He's done nothing wrong except trying to convince everyone that this disease is no big deal, that he knows better than the experts, lied repeatedly regarding test kits, and has prevented the CDC from using the known to be better Germen test kits. It goes on and on. Now I'll admit tonight for the very first time he actually sounded presidential. Up until now he has left that up to his VP. I wonder how many cheeseburgers they promised him to read the speech without staying from the script.

The economy belongs to every American. You, me, everyone. Trump doesn't own it nor is he totally responsible for it. Has anybody forgotten that he is a US government employee. He works for us. It's our money he gives to charity, not his.
Ugghh. So much typing to reply to all that. Trump is not taking away SS and it bothers me a lot that you mis-characterize what he says and then use that incorrect information to be negative against him. When did you stop beating your wife? SS does a lot more than just pay pensions to retired people. There's a lot of lard there, just like every government program.

Having the president urge calm is not a bad thing.

Take credit for the record low unemployment. Fine with me. Please just if a democrat gets elected president come on here and say it's all your fault when we once again have record numbers of people on welfare (like we did under Obama). I'm sure you are to blame for all the people on welfare under Obama. Tell me what you are doing differently, please.


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Apr 18, 2019
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Where did Bernie and Biden run off to?

It looks like the DNC is trying to railroad Bernie again. Part of the MSN is hinting as well that he should step down "for the good of the party". Could Bernie campaign for Biden? Hell, Biden barely campaigns for himself. It also looks like large rallies are over for a while. How do you get out the voters? No one wants to knock on doors and no one wants to answer them.

The biggest question here is what does the left have to offer beyond "no more Trump"?



Well-Known Member
May 22, 2014
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They are limiting Biden's speaking engagements to small and scripted speeches, they don't want him going off on another of his Cornpop Leghair Dogfaced Pony Soldier Where am I Who Are You Fight Me Biden rants.


Nov 30, 2018
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Odenton, MD
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2015 GT Pro-charged
Where did Bernie and Biden run off to?

It looks like the DNC is trying to railroad Bernie again. Part of the MSN is hinting as well that he should step down "for the good of the party". Could Bernie campaign for Biden? Hell, Biden barely campaigns for himself. It also looks like large rallies are over for a while. How do you get out the voters? No one wants to knock on doors and no one wants to answer them.

The biggest question here is what does the left have to offer beyond "no more Trump"?
Believe their next debate is Sunday. Can't wait to see Biden have to debate one on one for an hour or so, praying the moderators don't pull any punches.


Nov 30, 2018
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Odenton, MD
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2015 GT Pro-charged
"President Donald Trump Wednesday night claimed that major U.S. insurance companies "have agreed to waive all copayments for coronavirus treatments" as the disease rapidly spreads across the nation.

A spokesperson for America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), a major insurance industry lobbying group, was quick to clarify that, actually, companies are only waiving co-pays for "testing." For those who test positive for COVID-19, any treatment will still come at a (potentially massive) cost. "For testing. Not for treatment," the AHIP spokesperson told Politico"

LMAO! Imagine being president and the insurance companies telling you "yeah, no, we're here to profit off the pandemic" I'm literally dead.


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Apr 18, 2019
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Trump isn't the only president who left out details. How about this whopper?:


Nov 30, 2018
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Odenton, MD
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2015 GT Pro-charged
Trump isn't the only president who left out details. How about this whopper?:
How about you post the congressional proceedings on what was passed and what wasn't too? But we both know you'll look like a fool.



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Nov 19, 2018
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Where did Bernie and Biden run off to?

It looks like the DNC is trying to railroad Bernie again. Part of the MSN is hinting as well that he should step down "for the good of the party". Could Bernie campaign for Biden? Hell, Biden barely campaigns for himself. It also looks like large rallies are over for a while. How do you get out the voters? No one wants to knock on doors and no one wants to answer them.

The biggest question here is what does the left have to offer beyond "no more Trump"?
They have nothing to offer, their best and brightest have dwindled down to the old and the useless. Bernie was railroaded much like the DNC tried to do with Trump. At least Trump was smart enough to defend himself. The DNC has shown their true colors as protecting the establishment crooks instead of embracing true progressive policies and socialism much to the dismay of "the squad" and their groupies. Young millenials are just now realizing that the DNC is not their party but rather the only chance to get rid of Trump. We will see how that equates to voter turnout in November.


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They are limiting Biden's speaking engagements to small and scripted speeches, they don't want him going off on another of his Cornpop Leghair Dogfaced Pony Soldier Where am I Who Are You Fight Me Biden rants.
It will be the first presidential campaign where the candidate is not allowed to speak.


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" For those who test positive for COVID-19, any treatment will still come at a (potentially massive) cost.
He said this, or are making this up too?


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Apr 18, 2019
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2022 EB premium vert, 2013 Escape, 2017 F150 SC5.0
How about you post the congressional proceedings on what was passed and what wasn't too? But we both know you'll look like a fool.
And we all know how well the Democrat only passed legislation worked out. :cwl:


Nov 30, 2018
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Odenton, MD
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2015 GT Pro-charged
And we all know how well the Democrat only passed legislation worked out. :cwl:
Just as I thought, you only want to post just enough to tip toe around republicans undermining legislation.

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