
Search results

  1. Oz S550 spotted thread

    Saw an 18 model this arvo the dark burgundy on the M2 west bound. I loomed up next to him gave him the big thumbs up. The young bloke had a big smile looked like he just picked her up.
  2. Any Interest In a Compact Spare for Brembo Equipped Cars?

    Doing Sydney to Adelaide and back 2700km trip in September would love a spare before then.
  3. NSW Meet/Putty Road Cruise

    No food poisoning here but will definitely be taking sandwiches next time.
  4. Oz S550 spotted thread

    Just saw a ruby red on a tow truck going down Briens Rd Northmead. Not damaged.
  5. Aussie Exhausts

  6. Huge news - Mustang only manages 2 STAR ANCAP safety rating

    Don't Buy. Oh Please the carry on is like as if you turn on the ignition and the car explodes or something like that. No one buys a Mustang through this guy so he bashes it. He would rather push boring Mazda Hyundai Subaru which are ok but they are still not a MUSTANG. For those who cancelled...
  7. Oz S550 spotted thread

    I just built enough courage to join this forum. That was me at Robertson around lunch. I also was followed by black GT northbound Princes HWY Albion Park. Cheers
